This game is rated by 16290 users and followed by more then 11328 players around the world. This First person game have got total ratings of 95.18 out of 100 and an average ratings of 93.32 out of 100. It is Rated ‘T’ by ESRB which means only Teens above the age of 13 can Play the game. It was released on and last updated on Jun 20, 2020. New World Computing are the official Publishers of the game. This game is developed by New World Computing. The game is available to play on PC DOS, Mac. Might and Magic: World of Xeen is a Wonderful Role-playing (RPG), Adventure based game released on PC.
Might and Magic: World of Xeen Overview Name: Two, CD-ROM technology has made possible the use of digitized speech in all places that call for it. This special version of the game is really two games (Clouds of Xeen and Darkside of Xeen) rolled into one, with two differences: One, your characters are able to travel from one game to the other, doubling the size of the world available for exploration. Solve many quests and puzzles as you attempt to unravel the secrets of the World of Xeen. 13 Conclusion Might and Magic: World of Xeen SummaryĮnter the land of Xeen, a mythical place ruled by two villainous overlords.